Sean and I have been involved with Climb for a Cause, the Multiple Sclerosis bike ride, Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society Row a Thon, volunteering at the Children’s hospital in their mental health and long term care units, and probably a few more that I’ve forgotten about. I have only forgotten about them because they usually involve countless hours of physical activity. I have been involved with adults with special needs from a very young age as well as ran in the Special Needs Olympics Torch run. I have worked in a mental health and detox counselling capacity primarily focused with youth. I have volunteered hundreds of hours for the City of Calgary and Foothills Fire department in various capacities, mostly revolved around emergency first response, teaching, and parade events. I’ve assisted Alberta Search and rescue on numerous events, such as missing person’s searches. This amazing group of people will forever inspire me and I’ll be honoured to continue raising money for these phenomenal organizations. Neil deGrass Tyson said words to the effect of, I don’t fear death, I fear living a life knowing I could have accomplished something and didn’t. Every day is a good day.